Shipping cost from Alibaba to amazon FBA
The shipping cost from Alibaba to Amazon FBA depends on the following:
- The shipping method used.
- The type and weight of goods.
- The distance from China to the destination country.
- The standard of your freight forwarder and shipping carrier.
As a result of these factors, it is difficult for us to give an exact price quote here. However, here’s a little formula you can always remember.
Sea freight < Rail freight < Air freight < Express.
Express shipping is the most expensive, while Sea freight is the cheapest.
Please find out the total weight of your goods (by calculating the length, width, and height) and make sure they are correctly packaged before shipping. Learn about calculating charge weight and Dimensional weight here.
If you need a quote for your shipment from Alibaba to an Amazon FBA center, contact us today to get the exact shipping costs. We’ll reply within minutes!